Collin Larkin - Flood Damage

Collin Larkin - Flood Damage

From Jon Richards

Recently one of our own NLS community suffered a devastating loss of belongings (some irreplaceable) to a freak flooding event. Insurance will not cover these losses for various reasons. Let's do what we do, NLS!

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Anonymous commented with a $150 donation:
about 2 years ago
Philippians 4:19
Luis Mario Vallejo Baca commented with a $12 donation:
about 2 years ago
Thank God material can be recovered! So something good should come at the end from this experience.
Betty Jean Tokunaga commented with a $100 donation:
about 2 years ago
Every little bit helps, I hope this does :)
Richard Machnik commented with a $150 donation:
about 2 years ago
Love you homie.
Naheel Cannefax commented with a $100 donation:
about 2 years ago
Let us know if you need extra hands to help with clean-up.
Cristian Alvarez commented with a $40 donation:
about 2 years ago
Im sending Cap. Price to help out!
Anonymous commented with a $50 donation:
about 2 years ago
You all are in my thoughts and prayers
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation:
about 2 years ago
Praying for you and your family, Collin :(
Jorge Rivera commented with a $30 donation:
about 2 years ago
Sorry it isn't much but I hope everything works out in the end!