The Justicium

The Justicium

From Thomas Exelby

Poverty, famine, wage discrimination, government corruption, pollution and the threat of extinction: We have the solutions but we need your help. Let's turn this planet into a paradise for all.

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One universe

One vision

Peace, justice and prosperity for all

United we shall never fall

Hi, my name is Tom and I'm an inventor and the founder of The Justicium (

For over 10 years I have been developing a way to unite the human race under one banner and resolve most, if not all of the world's current crises; poverty, famine, wage discrimination and disparity, government corruption, pollution, as well as increase overall happiness, health and rate of evolution of ALL humans.

I have created a government constitution that is significantly more comprehensive than anything done before as it also proposes a revolutionary new model for the economy.

A bold claim indeed, but the success of which I bet my life upon and I would rather fail than lie to achieve my goals.

In addition, I wish to develop several of my inventions, or technology, and publish them free to the public:

  • The Graviton Matrix; A new, emission-free energy producing device that requires only gravity
  • VacJet Propulsion: Chemical free space travel at phenomenal speeds
  • CKCK (Cold-Key Communication Module): An advanced security module, suitable for cryptographic and hypersensitive digital assets.
  • Animaiungo: 'Matchmaking' software that utilizes DNA-based algorithms, helping others to find friendship and romance.
  • Digilon: An advanced version of the QR code that can theoretically store over 500x the current amount of data.

I have undertaken this project alone and with no financial assistance and very little assets. My only source of income is a disability pension and I have reached a point where progress is very difficult without help.

The material cost to prototype these inventions is enormous and I require additional colleagues to help with statistical analysis, marketing campaigns and publishing the content I have written.

I humbly request your aid, be it monetary donation or simply spreading the word and sharing this campaign on social media.

Sadly, I can offer you nothing except glory and gratitude.

Your name will be forever emblazoned on our website and physical plaque/memorial at our future headquarters.

I can't do this without you

Help me save the human race

Make your mark in history forever

To all of you I make this promise:

I will protect you

I will never lie to you

I will never steal from you

I will not be coerced, bribed or intimidated.

I will accept responsibility and make amends for my failures.

I will always endeavour to be a better person.

And if I lead us to war then I will be the first into battle and last to leave.

My life is forfeit for the glory of the human race.

Sincerely, Thomas John Exelby, son of Graham and Robyn.

Thank you so much for your time.

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