Wes Slice (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

Wes Slice (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

From Wes Slice (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

Please join me in this campaign to raise funds for emergency rainy day plans of fathers and families that we serve!

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About The Team

At some point in each of our lives we’ve experienced an unplanned expense. It could be medical, a car repair, a home repair or something else along those lines. We may have some discretion in the urgency of some of these events, but medical emergencies are the ones that hit us hard and fast. At Midlands Fatherhood Coalition, our focus is helping out the father in every way we can.  How awesome would it be if we had the ability to help out dads with medical emergencies.  We have seen this need increase across our participant population. In keeping with our mission of strengthening fathers, please join me in donating to Midlands Fatherhood for the purpose of establishing an emergency medical fund for the fathers we serve. As with our current programs, the ability to help fathers with medical emergencies will truly be a life changing, and potentially life saving, service.  On behalf of my fellow board members, the MFC staff and our amazing fathers, we would be grateful for your donation in any amount. We hope to be able to make this fund a part of our longstanding service that we provide to the fathers and communities we serve.

More Info

In the age of Zoom meetings, it is important to have computers with cameras.  Our team is looking to raise $10,000 for IT upgrades that will allow our intervention specialists to work one-on-one with fathers. During COVID, especially,  it is both safer for staff, as well as being better for the fathers we serve. 

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