LaCrystal Jackson (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

LaCrystal Jackson (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

From LaCrystal Jackson (MFC Fathers and Families' Emergency Rainy Day Fundraiser)

Please join me in this campaign to raise funds for emergency rainy day plans of fathers and families that we serve!

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About The Team

Growing up as a child, I witnessed my mom serve dual roles after she and my dad divorced. She worked full-time, cooked, cleaned, helped with homework, and more. We experienced difficulties like most families especially when the car broke down, the refrigerator went out, or the washing machine stopped working. For my family, as well as most other single parent families, emergencies and life circumstances can hit differently. Thankfully, I came from a supportive, close-knit extended family with a resourceful great-uncle who often stepped in to help. Unfortunately, everyone does not have the same support available, and one emergency can create a domino effect of turmoil and misfortunes that can lead to missed work days and school days, homelessness, and even depression. The Midlands Fatherhood Coalition creates that extended family for many single fathers. Through your support, you, too, can be a part of the extended family that helps your neighbor and those in your community make it through those difficult, unexpected circumstances.

I want to thank you, in advance, for your support of the Midlands Fatherhood Coalition and the fathers we serve who are working to be a part of their children’s lives in a supportive manner - financially, emotionally, and socially.

More Info

In the age of Zoom meetings, it is important to have computers with cameras.  Our team is looking to raise $10,000 for IT upgrades that will allow our intervention specialists to work one-on-one with fathers. During COVID, especially,  it is both safer for staff, as well as being better for the fathers we serve. 

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