8 Strategies to Blow Up Your Social Media in 2024

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Marketing on social media is a tough nut to track. First the algorithms, then the user behaviour, and finally the ever-increasing pressure to create and manage content. This is why some companies hire a social media marketing firm to do the job.

But when you’re tied up with all this, it’s easy to forget about the results. But as a resilient social media expert, you’ve got this. 

By keeping up with latest social trends, the upcoming changes in tech and other practices, you’re off to a great start.

To help you with your social media marketing, we've compiled a list of 16 critical social media best practices for 2024. 

Top 8 Strategies to Boost Your Online Social Presence

 As we venture into 2024, here are ten game-changing strategies to blow up your social media presence and make a lasting impact.

1. Interactive Content Engagement:

Why It Matters: The key to a successful social media strategy is engagement. Interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and stories invites followers to actively participate, fostering a sense of involvement. 

Implementation: Incorporate interactive elements into your posts and stories. Pose questions, create polls, and design quizzes that resonate with your audience. 

Encourage users to share their thoughts and opinions, transforming your social media into a two-way conversation. A Social Media Marketing Agency NZ can help you with thoughtful content strategy and social media marketing plan to achieve this.

2. Video-First Approach:

Why It Matters: Video content continues to dominate social media platforms. From TikTok to Instagram Reels, short-form videos are engaging and shareable, providing a dynamic way to communicate with your audience.

Implementation: Prioritize video content in your social media strategy. Experiment with different formats, including live sessions, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes glimpses. The more visually compelling and entertaining your videos, the higher the chances of audience retention and virality.

3. Influencer Collaborations:

Why It Matters: Influencers have established trust with their followers, and collaborating with them can significantly amplify your brand's reach. Authentic partnerships bring credibility and foster a sense of community.

Implementation: Identify influencers relevant to your industry or niche. Establish genuine connections and explore collaboration opportunities. Whether it's a sponsored post, takeover, or joint campaign, influencer collaborations can introduce your brand to new audiences.

4. Personalised Meissaging:

Why It Matters: Being a mind-reader is a superpower not everyone has. With the valuable data in your hand, you can predict user behaviours and use them to your advantage. Personalised content speaks directly to their interests, making them feel heard. Thus, tailoring your messaging creates a more intimate connection and increases the likelihood of audience engagement.

Implementation: Leverage personalisation algorithms and platforms like Hubspot to customize content based on user preferences, behaviors, and demographics. Craft individualized messages that resonate with specific segments of your audience, making them feel seen and valued.

5. Embrace New Platforms:

Why It Matters: The social media landscape is constantly evolving, with new platforms emerging regularly. Early adoption of these platforms can give your brand a competitive edge and access to untapped audiences.

Implementation: Keep an eye on emerging social media platforms and trends. Experiment with new features and platforms that align with your brand identity. Whether it's a rising app or a unique feature on an existing platform, being an early adopter can position your brand as innovative and trendsetting.

6. Community Building:

Why It Matters: Social media is not just a broadcast channel; it's a community hub. Fostering a sense of community among your followers creates a loyal and engaged audience.

Implementation: Encourage discussions, create forums, and share user-generated content. Acknowledge and celebrate your followers' contributions, turning your social media channels into spaces for genuine interactions. This community-centric approach strengthens brand loyalty and advocacy.

7. AI-Powered Insights:

Why It Matters: Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers powerful insights into user behavior, preferences, and trends. Utilizing AI tools can inform data-driven decisions, leading to more effective social media strategies.

Implementation: Invest in AI-powered analytics tools to gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience. Analyze data to identify patterns and trends, allowing you to tailor your content and posting schedule for maximum impact. AI can also assist in predicting future trends and audience behaviors.

8. Storytelling with AR and VR:

Why It Matters: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) provide immersive storytelling experiences. Incorporating these technologies into your social media strategy can set your brand apart and create memorable interactions.

Implementation: You don’t need to be highly tech-savvy for this. Just explore AR filters on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. Consider creating virtual experiences or simulations using VR. These technologies can transport your audience to unique environments or showcase products in innovative ways, enhancing engagement and brand recall.


In the dynamic realm of social media, these ten strategies are poised to elevate your brand's presence and impact in 2024.  

Whether through interactive content, influencer collaborations, or the embrace of emerging technologies, staying ahead requires a combination of innovation, community building, and data-driven decision-making.

Implementing these strategies with the help of a Social Media Advertising Company in New Zealand will not only help you navigate the ever-changing social media landscape but also position your brand for sustained success and growth.

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